2nd Democracy Action Days

The Event will start at 10:30 on the 1st of October 2024.
The official language is English.
Location: Europäisches Haus, Unter den Linden 78, 10117 Berlin
S+U Brandenburger Tor

Tuesday, 01.10.2024
10:30 – Doors Open and Registration
11:00 – 12:00 Panel Energy Democracy across Europe.
Research Input – the state of the art and challenges of Citizens’ participation in Energy generation, supply and decision making.
Speakesr: Anna Krenz, Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy (Denmark); Meivis Sturga ,ETMI (Albania), Jerome R. Haßler, Climate Adaption Manager of the city of Luckau (Germany).

12:00 – 13:00 Roundtable Discussion – Powering Citizens as a project to address energy poverty and democracy. An impossible possibility?
Speakers: Member of the Powering Citizens Consortium

13:00 – 14:30 Lunch

14:30 – 18:00 ACCT #Impact – Embedding Anti-Racism and Civic Courage in Local Democracy

ACCT is a collaborative commitment to combating racism and prejudice but includes promoting civic courage and inclusivity. ACCT works to initiate systemic change at the grassroots level through innovation in training methodologies and community empowerment. By bringing together the stakeholders of this diversity and creating collaborations across sectors, ACCT can make a long-lasting difference on a European scale.

14:30 – 16:00 Anti-Racism Lab – Testing the ACCT Curriculum
In this interactive Workshop, our trainers Maxine and Anja will guide you through exercises on training Anti-Racism and civic courage, developed during the ACT project. How can those methods be applied locally, especially in remote and disadvantaged communities? Join in to find out and review our training tools. More information at https://www.acctforchange.eu/

16:00 – 18:00 Panel Discussion – Embedding ACCT into Local Contexts
How can we fight discrimination in our communities? Which mechanisms proved to be effective? Many questions like these come to mind when working on racism. How do we encourage and strengthen the work of active citizens, especially in places where democracy is under pressure? In the panel discussion, we will discuss the topic with representatives of civil society, migrant groups, and local politicians.

18:00 Final Networking and Reception.

For more information please contact:
Anja Söyünmez – asoeyuenmez@crnonline.de (ACCT)
Maxine Salmon–Cottreau – maxine.cottreau@crnonline.de (ACCT, POWERINGCITIZENS)
Kamila Franz – kamila.franz@crnonline.de (POWERINGCITIZENS)