
Eurbanities Game Based Learning for the Just Transition of Cities

Justurbanities aims to empower urban communities of disadvantaged neighbourhoods to find participation-based answers
to the challenges of the “multi-crisis era”, including health-related lockdowns, energy crises, and geopolitical conflicts. With
the direct involvement of educators, trainees, and local communities, a digital game-based learning curriculum is created,
targeting citizens, stakeholders, and civil servants/municipal employees involved in the execution of local policies.

Justurbanities envisions the following main activities:

Gathering and exchanging knowledge on local needs, good practices, future scenarios, learning methods.
Co-designing the game and curriculum at local and transnational workshops and online sessions.
Learning and testing game and curriculum prototypes at local workshops and transnational trainings.
Building a European community of educators, citizens, municipal workers, and professionals through dissemination and the
Justurbanities platform.

What project results and other outcomes do you expect your project to have?
Justurbanities plans 5 main results:
1.Seven Local Stakeholders’ Panels are formed.
2.Local needs, best practices, and future scenarios are gathered.
3.A digital game and a curriculum embedding it are codesigned and tested, an interactive platform created-
4.Educators, trainers and local community members learned about resilience, participation, curriculum building and game development.
5Transnational community of educators, trainers, citizens, municipal workers and decision makers is formed.