EmPOWERING Energy CITIZENship among energy poor people through joint energy actions

In 2018, nearly 34 million Europeans were unable to afford to keep their houses adequately warm. According to Eurostat data, already before the ongoing crisis, in 2021 6.9 % of all households in the EU were in arrears on their utility bills, and 6.4% declared that they were unable to keep their homes warm. In 2020, almost 15% of all households were living in homes with leaks, broken roofs or rot. Households with children headed by a single adult have been the hardest hit by the rising energy prices. In the Western Balkan, the situation of the energy poverty remain dramatic as well. More particularly, the energy poor citizens systematically in the partner countries face the condition of not being able to i) participate in the energy, housing, climate and fiscal policies, ii) have access to or claim their legal rights, and iii) access information on energy poverty, energy prices and solutions. Young generation plays a significant role in the empowerment and engagement of other youth and citizens in fighting energy poverty. Currently, young people in EU and mainly in the Western Balkan lacks the education, tools and appropriate information on energy citizenship in order to enable such transition. In order to fight the energy poverty by engaging and empowering other citizens, young people shall have the understanding and knowledge about the causes of the energy poverty, how to assess energy poverty and engage another stakeholder (mainly vulnerable) in such process. The POWERINGCITIZENs project initially aims to promote the outcome of the conference on future of Europe such as: Ensuring a fair and inclusive transition (clean energy). The main scope of the POWERINGCITIZEN project is empowerment of energy citizenship among energy poor citizens though energy joint actions.