To participate is one of the core skills in the nowadays digital society.
Participation means to be in the position to gather information, reflect them and articulate opinion. Participation inherent the ability to conceptualize information and put them into different context. From the perspective of employability, the knowledge on how to participate includes management and leadership skills but as well openness for new ideas and concepts. Transferring participation into education means to educate self-aware citizens, who are open to new ideas, cultures and concepts and who are willing to form and influence actively their society.
Therefore it will be beneficially to create curricula, which have a European perspective on citizenship and participation. Still each country inside the EU has different approaches, traditions and educational systems. Further on trainings and workshops exist but never been brought together at the European Level.
Eurbanities Game Based Learning for the Just Transition of Cities
Future Oriented Solutions Towards Environmental Resilience
EmPOWERING Energy CITIZENship among energy poor people through joint energy actions
Shaping the Future Together through Engaging Citizens Debates
Curricular Innovation for Synergy between Community Sport and Activism
Anti-Racism and Civic Courage Training
Educating for Inclusion
MAps of eXperIences for thriving COmmunities
Online Blended Method of Visual Education for Recycling and Rebuilding Cultural Identities of People with Migrant and Minority backgrounds
Narratives of Impact: Digital Storytelling as a Change-Making Tool
Cities as Arenas of Political Innovation in the Strengthening of Deliberative and Participatory Democracy
ClimateYouths: Youth-centred participatory video production as a tool for empowering young people to tackle climate change.
Urban Civic Education LAB
Eurbanities 2.0
Co-Engage - Involving Citizens through Co-creation
MORE THAN WORDS - integrating creativity in intercultural training
Scie-citizens - Evaluating Bridges between science, education and society
Voices of diversity - connecting people and policies for more integrated neighbourhoods in European cities
Our 'Voices' create impact through mobilisation of data
Educitizens - Educate to Participate
EUrbanities - Empowering civil participation through game based learning
EuroQualiTrain - Qualifizierung und Training in Europa
We are all Digital Natives! - Sharing digital methods for digital citizens