Green Education is for us the summary of learning processes containing sustainability, the SDGs, but as well learning places and concepts such as urban gardens, incubators and green hubs. Environmental benefits and sustainability are two characteristics of Green education.
Green Education is also working towards achieving green goals and being environmental friendly. Growth or learning will only take place in an environment which is conducive for development in children’s life. Academicians, administrators, students need to incorporate awareness and adoption of environmentally friendly practices in the learning process. The culture of conservation has to be an integral part of the curriculum. The tools and techniques along with eco-friendly building and equipment have to be used in the teaching-learning process.
In education green can means many things. It means accessibility and social mobility. It means equality of opportunity. It means that everyone has the chance to change lives. The idea of Sustainability is about people, rethinking, creativity and action. The United Nations defines sustainability as “the process of improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of supporting eco-systems.”
Collaborative, co-creative, experience oriented education is the key to address this definition. In our project we work on many topics, as inclusive urban gardening, urban sustainability, the role of peripheries, climate change and many more.
Journey of Optimising Well-being through Fun and Unique Learning
Building the capacity of adult educators to apply Intergenerational Learning for environmental education
CIRcular City through educational circular economy methods for social enterprises
Explore the City
Youth Shaping Climate Policy
European Circular Online Museum
Competences4ESD: An innovative ESD Key Competences Training Model for teachers in the frames of the 4SDG - Quality Education for ALL
Empowering Youth for Sustainable Food Systems in Europe
Promoting Conscious Consumption through Serious Games
Sustainable microbreweries learning in a Circular Economy Europe. Introducing Circular Economy schemes in SMILE certification
Recycling Stories through Electronic Devices - A projectbased e-learning strategy to enhance key competences in visual communication based on environmental consciousness and cultural diversity
Online Blended Method of Visual Education for Recycling and Rebuilding Cultural Identities of People with Migrant and Minority backgrounds
Learning about sustainable trends in European cities
GARDENS as inclusive Green Learning places
ClimateYouths: Youth-centred participatory video production as a tool for empowering young people to tackle climate change.
Circular Skills
CircleVET - Exploring the Educational Potential of Circular Economy