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Comparative Research Network:

Intercultural Dialogue

Intercultural Dialogue is aiming at improving intercultural communication and training skills of educators, social workers, and all people being engaged as professionals or activists in supporting migrants and other minorities tackling problems of integration and communication.
We will develop pan European curricula for non-verbal intercultural trainings, synthesizing the experiences of our partners in different areas of training and creativity, such as theatre, dance, humor therapy and storytelling. This is crucial in terms of Europe’s relationship to migrant communities and other minorities, especially under the current political and social tensions all over in the Continent.

Integration of migrants and other minorities is not a simple question of willingness. Lacking of basic skills for communication strongly hinders the mutual understanding between migrants and other social groups. Communication barriers also include difficulties related to cultural differences even when people understand the language.

The integration of vulnerable groups in European societies is a challenge that transcends borders, and requires a pan-European, multi-agency strategy as a response.

Intercultural Dialogue Projects:

Intercultural Dialogue Results: