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Social Entrepreneurship

One of the most profound trends in the social sector today is the emergence of a new class of entrepreneur: the creative social entrepreneur. Creative social entrepreneurs generate market demand for their goods and services while also contributing to the dynamic shift in cultural sustainability, social justice, and economic development around the world.

Impact might be generated through promoting social change, circular and sustainable economy. Skillsets which we seek to develop include community outreach and community building, campaigning, crowdfunding and implementing co-creation and collaborative processes.

In recent years, researchers and policymakers have come to recognize creativity as one of the most important drivers of sustainable growth, economic development, and innovation in the world today. A growing body of evidence points to the increasing competitive advantage that the “creative class” and the “creative economy” wield in today’s knowledge-based society (Pugatch, Torstensson, and Chu 2014; White, Gunasekaran, and Roy 2012). Economic activity that has creativity as its main source and foundation is commonly referred to by different interchangeable terms such as creative economy, creative industries, cultural industries, and even the creative sector. (see https://www.giarts.org/article/creative-social-enterprise-impact-investment)

In this ralm we seek to increase the capacitiy of both the formal and non-formal adult and VET education. We create tools likes apps, games or platforms, as well we seek to create new methods, training modules and interactive learning experiences, fit for the creative social entrepreneur.

Social Entrepreneurship Projects:

Social Entrepreneurship Results: