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Comparative Research Network:

Camille Chambon

Service Civique
Project Assistance

Camille studied International and European Law in Aix-en-Provence. She obtained a master’s degree in humanitarian affairs and human rights in 2023. After a 6-month internship in a french NGO, she wanted to have a long term experience abroad. That’s why she choosed to apply to a civical service. After discovering CRN, she though that it was the ideal place to learn about project management while getting involved in issues that inspire her, such as climate change and democracy.


– Assistant to the Founder of Solidarités International, Alain Boinet in 2023
– Aix Global Justice, Clinical student in 2023
– Assistant to the Aix-en-Provence Red Cross Academy of International Humanitarian Law in 2023
– Secretary of the youth branch of Amnesty International on the Schuman campus, 2021-2023
