Everyone has a voice, but not everyone has the chance to make it heard. We want to change this. We are helping people to tell their story and participate in policy making. Further on we enable communities to collect their insights, help the, to edit and curate their stories and finally to create social impact through mobilising the stories in campaigns.
We work on questions as how narratives are constructed and how individuals can identify the narrations around them. We work on critical thinking and media literacy, in order to help users to navigate the digital sea and make themselves heard in the arena of discourses.
Talk is more than saying, it includes for us thinking and acting.
We welcome you to explore how we TALK.
Art Based Learning of Language of Origin through Didactic Innovation
Preparing Non-formal education in Europe for traumatised learners
Explore the City
Narrative Accountability in Cultural and Community Settings
Connecting European Youth through Storytelling
bASic Stem compETences for migrantS
Supporting Critical Funding for European Social Economy and the 3rd Sector
Learning about sustainable trends in European cities
Narratives of Impact: Digital Storytelling as a Change-Making Tool
REACH OUT Local Peace and Dialogue through Media
Cities as Arenas of Political Innovation in the Strengthening of Deliberative and Participatory Democracy
ClimateYouths: Youth-centred participatory video production as a tool for empowering young people to tackle climate change.
Dialog für Frieden und Integration
Eurbanities 2.0
CONCRIT - Community Narration 4 Critical Thinking
Prospects in the Peripheries
Media+: approach to access to communication andlanguage
Modern Educational Methods
Eurospectives 2.0 - digital storytelling curricula for participation and citizenship
Europe City-Teller: Mediazione culturale & storytelling per il turismo tra teatro, multimedialit? e narrazione.
Voices of diversity - connecting people and policies for more integrated neighbourhoods in European cities
Our 'Voices' create impact through mobilisation of data
EUrbanities - Empowering civil participation through game based learning
EuroQualiTrain - Qualifizierung und Training in Europa
The artist within - Applied eMOTIONDance and art expression in formal and non-formal education for developing entrepreneur skills best practice sharing between sectors and methods
We are all Digital Natives! - Sharing digital methods for digital citizens