Youth Peacebuilding in the Euromed

Youth Peace Dialogue-Euromed

The project sees the participation of 4 partners from the EU and 4 partners from the southern neighbor. This association will come together for establishing a dialogue forum on migration and conflict management. The project is the result of a long-standing cooperation between the partners on the issue of integration migration and social stability. What is proposed is a 4 phases dialogue mechanism in order to find new innovative solutions to deal with migration and integration by exploring which peacebuilding tool can be adapted to deal with the issue.

The project will be implemented in a timeframe of one year and a half. What we want to produce is a dialogue instrument among different stakeholders that would, on one hand, enhance the partners’ skills and capabilities and on the other will create a transnational support network that will enhance their reach out capacities and the sustainability of their action. Our main objectives are:

1) A successful skill transfer action in the field of peacebuilding and social development
2) An intercultural encounter among countries that have high stakes in the topic of migration and intercultural dialogue
3) The creation of a functional transnational partnership that is able to work independently connecting our participants’ local realities to a transnational one
4) the promotion of EU values as a tool of democratic participation, dialogue, and stability
5) A better awareness of the European project and the potential and limits of formal and nonformal education
6) The empowerment of our participants to work closely with their local realities and their communities in order to enhance their status.

The project is oriented towards a grassroots approach and intends to enhance the competences of the partners to deal with their local communities. We will achieve this by implementing a skill transfer action on one hand and the creation of a trans transnational dialogue on the other. We will establish in our project a transnational platform that will help us to advance the reach out capacity of our partners and their financial sustainability by granting them a steady financial revenue through a more regular production of content. The project aims to “phase in” the working agendas of our 8 partners in order to establish a community of interests that is able to tackle a topic as complicated a migration.

During the first phase, the partners will go through an in-depth training about conflict management and project management. Here the participants will explore topics like conflict analysis, interfaith dialogue, intercultural communication and gender issues. In the second phase, we will concentrate on the relations between conflict and migration. This will integrate the two issue promoting EU values as tools for conflict management and stability.

In the third phase, the more committed among the participants will gather to integrated their local and personal experience and they will device migration sensitivity workshops to be implemented in the following youth exchange.

Last but not least the partners will organize a youth exchange on the topic of migration. This event will be a controlled multiplier event for our former participants. In fact, they will implement the workshops they had previously devised in the training. They will also act as groups leaders of the participants’s national delegations.