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Comparative Research Network:

Dr. Krisztina Keresztély

Senior Project Manager
Head of Participatory Lab


Community Reporting – trainer and reporter;
Design thinking and empathy mapping;
Online collaborative platforms;
Game jams,
Policy co-creation,
Urban Living Labs,
Citizen science,
Action research,
social research.




Krisztina is an urban geographer and sociologist, experienced in academic research, local and regional policy consulting, teaching and training specialised in sustainable cultural and social inclusion in cities, urban and peri-urban neighbourhoods.

She holds a PhD in urban geography from the École Normale Supérieure in France. In CRN she is a trainer and project manager, involved in projects dealing with teaching and facilitating citizen’s participation, dialogue between citizens, stakeholders and policy makers, developing participatory and co-creation processes empowering citizens and vulnerable social groups for expressing their needs and identifying policy recommendations.

As head of the CRN Participatory Lab, she is working on synergies between the activities and projects of CRN linked to participation. Krisztina is also an experienced European project manager and evaluator.


Member of URBACT External Assessment Panel (2008, 2018-2020);
Evaluator expert on behalf of the Research Executive Agency (REA) (2016-on);
selected member of the jury for the European Capital of Innovation – iCapital Award 2015;
Robert Bosch Stiftung alumni member;
Registered external expert at URBACT and Compendium.


Krisztina Keresztély (2020): Voicitys – Voices of Diversity, in: Judit Maár – Augustin Lefevbre (eds): Les lieux de la précarité, La précarité inscrite dans l’espace social et dans l’espace géographique, Cahiers de Nouvelle Europe, n. 27, L’Harmattan, Paris, pp. 179-205

Krisztina Keresztély, Martin Barthel, James W. Scott (2019): Voicitys – Voices of diversity. Connecting people and policies for more integrated neighbourhoods in European cities, Book edited in the frame of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship action, 776111 – VOICITYS – REC-PP-AG-2016/REC-PP-2016-2, Comparative Research Network , ISBN 978-3-946832-05-8 Print,ISBN 978-3-946832-06-5 E-Book

Krisztina Keresztély, Judit Keller, Tünde Virág (2017): Our Neighbourhoods’ Heroes, Stories on Citizen Participation in Local Development in European Cities, Comparative Research Network, Berlin, ISBN 978-39-4683-2010, https://eurbanities.wordpress.com/2017/09/21/our-neighborhoods-heroes-the-eurbanities-booklet/

Krisztina Keresztély (2017): Urban Renewal in East Central Europe, Case studies and analytical papers, Citizens, Territoires Gouvernance (CITEGO) website: http://citego.org/bdf_dossier-124_en.html

Krisztina Keresztély, James W. Scott, Tünde Virág (2017): Roma communities, urban development and social bordering in the inner city of Budapest, Ethnic and Racial Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2017.1267376, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2017.1267376

Krisztina Keresztély (2012): ‘The Impact of the Crisis on Housing and ‘Urban renewal in Budapest’, in: Housing in Europe: Time to Evict the Crisis, Passerelle special issue, N 7 / 2012, AITEC / Coredem, France, pp. 41-48.

Krisztina Keresztély – James Scott (2012): ‘Urban Regeneration in the Post-Socialist Context: Budapest and the Search for a Social Dimension ‘, in: European Planning Studies, DOI:10.1080/09654313.2012.674346, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2012.674346

Györgyi Barta, András Sipos, Krisztina Keresztély (ed.) (2010): Budapest világváros két századfordulón (Budapest ‘World Metropolis’ on Two Turns of Centuries), Napvilág, Budapest

Krisztina Keresztély (2009), ‘Wasting Memories – Gentrification vs. Urban Values in the Jewish Neighbourhood of Budapest’, in: Monika Murzy-Kupisz – Jacek Purchla (eds): Reclaiming Memory, Urban Regeneration in the Historic Jewish Quarters in Central European Cities, International Cultural Centre, Krakow 2009.

Krisztina Keresztély (2008): ‘L’inaccessibilité croissante des quartiers historiques de Budapest: gentrification et politiques urbaines libérales’, in: Lucile Lechevalier Hurard (dir) Europe : pas sans toit!, AITEC, Paris

Sonia Fayman, Krisztina Keresztély, Kyra Tomay (2008): ‘Réalisation d’études sur les politiques de renouvellement urbain des villes d’Europe Centrale illustrées par la réhabiliation de quartiers existants – le cas de la ville de Budapest en Hongrie’, Final Report, Anah-CDC, Anah, Paris

Sonia Fayman, Krisztina Keresztély, Britta Trostorff, Elke Goltz, Stephanie Lenk (2007): ‘Réalisation d’études sur les politiques de renouvellement urbain des villes d’Europe Centrale illustrées par la réhabiliation de quartiers existants – le cas de la ville de Leipzig en Allemagne’, Final Report, Anah-CDC, Paris

Krisztina Keresztély (2007): ‘Kulturális fejlesztések és fenntartható városrehabilitáció’ (Cultural Development and Sustainable Urban Regeneration in Budapest) In: György Enyedi (ed): A történelmi városközpontok átalakulásának társadalmi hatásai (Social Effects of the Transformation of Historic City Centres), ‘Millenium Strategic Studies’, Centre for Social Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 171-199.

Krisztina Keresztély (2007): ‘Cultural Policies and Urban Rehabilitation in Budapest’. In: The Creative City: Crossing Visions and New Realities in the Region, Edited by Nada Švob-Đokić, Culturelink Joint Publications Series No. 11, Institute for International Relations, Zagreb, 2007, 95-119

Krisztina Keresztély – János Zoltán Szabó (2006) : ‘Budapest: Regaining Multiculturalism?’ in: Ilczuk, Dorota-