Please find here all methods to be used in the CONCRIT toolbox. You can find here a list of all activities submitted so far:
The aim of CONCRIT is to work towards a socially cohesive Europe, which requires self confident, fully informed and educated citizens In Europe many small solutions exist isolated or are created over and over again without being connected CONCRIT aspires to connect those needs. In the initial assessment, the partners identified needs, which can be answered by a general learning path that should address challenges as lacking insight of how participation works, the general disenchantment of marginalised communities from politics and digital exclusion.
The educators seek learner driven tools, way to build a community and to de construct discriminatory stereotypes The learners need digital learning tools/ methods which engage and work with different communities and developing storytelling and group narratives as a method for civic education.
The direct target groups of CONCRIT are adult educators, volunteers and community worker focused on civic education The indirect are learners, members of the marginalised communities and on a deeper level all European citizen