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We all find ourselves at a loss for words more times in our life. Because of joy, sadness or without any reason we could identify. Being speechless, we need to find other ways to express our messages. With a gesture, mimic, or simply mumbling “I have no words”. Usually it a passing moment, then we continue to chat away our thoughts, ideas, needs.

But what happens when it is not a brief, but a lasting time? What can one do when the words keep on missing to understand, to share, to express? How can one find the way to others like so? Our team and partnership are built up from professionals who are there to help others who do not speak a common language and who have issues and stories where words don’t come easily. During our joint research we shared and discovered ways how we can build on non-verbal opportunities. In the following chapters you will see what approaches and tools are there when we are willing to go beyond words.

They are important so that chances for change are not lost and verbally limited people are not excluded.

Authors of the Toolkit Badawy, Haythem: haythem.kamel@gmail.com, AEL Barthel, Martin: mabarthel@comparative-research.net, CRN Carey, Dave: davec@chickenshed.org.uk, BC Dorstewitz, Julie: dorstewitz@narud.org, NARUD Dunkerley, Lucy: lucy@bordercrossings.org.uk, BC Elsayed, Mahmoud: mahsayedmahmoud@gmail.com, AEL Hassan, Ahmed: a.nabil.hassan@gmail.com, AEL Hey, Lisa: hey@narud.org, NARUD Kawa, Magdalena: magdalena.kawa@gmail.com, Dla Ziemi Kiss, Tibor Cece: info@tancterapia.com, IKTE Kozdraj, Ewa: ewa.kozdraj@poczta.onet.pl, Dla Ziemi Messina, Raffaele: messina_raffaele@icloud.com, Euro-Net Révay, Réka Adrienne: revay.reka@gmail.com, IKTE Rojek, Elżbieta: rojek.elzbieta@gmail.com, Dla Ziemi Sabia, Lucia: luc.sabi@libero.it, Euro-Net Shkeir, Thaer: thaer.shkeir@gmail.com, AEL Tóth, Györgyi: tgyorgyi27@gmail.com, IKTE Walling, Michael: michael@bordercrossings.org.uk, BC Weber-Sinner, Edith: edith.weber-sinner@lisel.lu, AEL Werner, Madlen: madlen@devi-dance.de, CRN Zimmermann, Daniel: zimmermann@narud.org, NARUD
