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Comparative Research Network:

Dipl.-Geog. Martin Barthel

Senior Project Manager


Community Reporting
Smart Practice Assessment
Border Studies
Participatory and Civic Education
Intercultural Communication
Narrative and Discourse Analysis
Loesje Campaigning
Community Mapping




I am a Berliner by birth and was always inspried by activism, participation and how to grow my own, but as well the skills of the people around me.

I graduated at the Freie Universität Berlin in Geography, Sociology and Politics. My thesis dealt with the impact of borders on local communities, raising my interest esepcially on intercultural communication. During my studies I became an active member of the European Association of Geography Students (EGEA) – where I cherished the trans-European exchange and started to initiate own projects, workshops and first publications.

In 2009 I became a co-founder of the Greek NGO Chios Insitute for Mediaterranean Affairs, where i launchend fora on Cultural Diplomacy and sustainable Tourism.

In 2010 I joined CRN, first as project manager, later as Vice-Director and currently as executive manager. In 2014 I started my PHD at the University of Eastern Finland, focusing on Borders again. During this time I became member of various editorial boards, launched the publication service of CRN and specialised in project writing and management especially on Erasmus+.

In 2018 I became a German Ambassador of the European Plateform for Adult Education (EPALE). In the same year I helped to launch the CRN Peacebuidling Program, the European Inititative for Circular Education and became a funding board memebr of the Berlin based youth organisation NGO Nest Berlin.

Since 2010 I managed more than 40 projects on European, national and local level, among others in programmes such as REC, Horizon 2020, Auswärtiges Amt and Soziale Stadt.


EPALE Ambassador
Editorial Board Cross-Border Review
EU Fundraiser
Communication Coach
Community Reporter Trainer
President NGO Nest Berlin e.V.
EGEA Alumni


1. Social Cohesion in EU Peripheries: Negotiating Opportunities in German & Finnish Peripheries. Fajfer, Alicja; Heyenn, Hannah; Barthel, Martin / Cross-Border Review. Yearbook 2020. 2021. [Author]

2. Barthel, Martin. “Capricious pathways–a comparative analysis of local identity building in border regions. A case study of Polands Western and Eastern border.” Belgeo. Revue belge de géographie 2 (2020).

3. Barthel, Ewelina; Barthel, Martin; Heigaard Jensen, Charlotte et. Al. (eds.). 2020. PAESIC – Pedagogical Approaches for Enhanced Social Inclusion in the Classroom : A guidebook for more inclusive teaching in European Schools. Comparative Research Network, Berlin.

4. Barthel, Ewelina; Rusaite, Rimante; Wlusek, Katarzyna; Barthel, Martin (eds.) “CircleVET : Compendium of Circular Methods in VET”. Comparative Research Network, Berlin 2020

5. Arslan, Aytug; Grigoras, Vlad; Hasterok, Rupert and Barthel, Martin (eds.). 2020. LENT – App-based Learning for Tourism Niches. Comparative Research Network, Berlin.

6. Werner, Madlen; Barthel, Ewelina; Barthel, Martin; Zsiday-Galgóczy, Krisztina and Kiss, Tibor Cece (eds.). 2020. More Than Words – Integrating Creativity in Intercultural Training : Training Manual. Comparative Research Network, Berlin.

7. Barthel, Martin; Cherouvis, Stephanos; Pettersson, Anders et al. (eds.). 2019 ScieCitizens : Collected educational practice on how to gap the bridge between science and society. Comparative Research Network, Berlin

8. Keresztély, Krisztina, Martin Barthel, and James W. Scott. 2019. Voicitys-Voices of Diversity-Connecting People and Policies for More Integrated Neighbourhoods in European Cities. Comparative Research Network.

9. Pajak, Wojeciech; Soylu, Demet; Medeni, Tunc; Barthel, Martin (ed.) . 2019. Educitizens – S:M:A:R:T. Practices for Civic Education. Comparative Research Network. [Primary author]

10. Barthel, Martin; Bürkner, Hans-Joachim. 2019. Ukraine and the big moral divide: What biased media coverage means to East European borders Geopolitics [Epub ahead of print 8 Jan 2019]: -. [Primary author]

11. Barthel, Martin; Barthel, Ewelina. 2018. Exploring Subbordia – the impact of suburbanisation in cross-border metropolitan regions. The case study of Szczecin and its German hinterland Urban Development Issues 60 1: 5-13. [Primary author]

12. Barthel, Martin. 2018. Connectivity vs. Disconnectivity – the Influence of EU Border policies on Regions. A Case Study of Poland’s Western and Eastern Borders. Cross-Border Review (Annual/Yearbook of the European Institute of Cross-Border Studies, Esztergom, Hungary) 2017: 97-109. [Primary author]

13. Playing Participation: Blended Participatory Education for Trainer, Learner and Activists. Keresztely, Krisztina; Barthel, Martin. 2018 [Primary author]

14. Barthel Martin. 2017. Artistic interventions and pockets of memory on the former Wall strip in Berlin. In: Murzyn-Kupisz Monika, Dzialek Jaroslaw (ed.) The Impact of Artists on Contemporary Urban Development in Europe. Springer. GeoJournal Library 123. s. 281-297. [Primary author]

15. Barthel Martin. 2017. Milking the border – cohesive strategies in respond to the crisis of the periphery in border regions. In: Scott James W (ed.) Cross-Border Review: Yearbook 2016: European Crisis and its Consequences for Borders and Cooperation. Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI). Cross-Border Review (Annual/Yearbook of the European Institute of Cross-Border Studies, Esztergom, Hungary) 2016. s. 47-64. [Primary author]

16. Barthel Martin. 2017. Launische Pfade – eine vergleichende Analyse der lokalen Identität an Polens West- und Ostgrenze. Ost Journal 2/2017: -. [Primary author]

17. Barthel Martin. 2016. Report on the 1st Berlin Border Seminar 2014. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences 6 Special Issue 1: 4-11. [Primary author]

18. Barthel Martin. 2016. Scars of the past – The impact of contested identities on an EU external border. Lähde: historiatieteellinen aikakauskirja 2016: 200-224. [Primary author]

19. Barthel Martin. 2016. Tales from the Periphery – How the EU Border facilitates Cohesion in peripheral Regions. International Journal of Contemporary Economics and Administrative Sciences 6 Special Issue 2: 58-74. [Primary author]

20. We are all digital natives – collected practices: Improving the digital dimension in education: Practices, guidelines and assesment of digital methods in training and teaching. Barthel Martin. 2016 [Primary author]

21. Special Issue: Implications of Borders on Culture and Economics. Barthel Martin, Scott James, Demir Cengiz. 2016 [Primary author]

22. Special Issue: Implications of Borders on Politics and Administration. Barthel Martin, Scott James, Demir Cengiz. 2016 [Primary author]

23. Barthel Martin. 2015. The 1st Berlin Border Seminar, 8th – 11th of November 2014, Berlin (Germany). Cross-Border Review (Annual/Yearbook of the European Institute of Cross-Border Studies, Esztergom, Hungary) 2015: 117-118. [Primary author]

24. Barthel Martin. 2015. Ökonomisierung der Grenze – Grenztourismus als Strategie gegen die Krise am Beispiel der polnisch-ukrainischen Grenze. In: Lessenich Stephan (ed.) (ed.) Routinen der Krise – Krise der Routinen: Verhandlungen des 37. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Trier 2014. [Primary author]

25. Barthel, Martin. 2010. Standortfaktor und Ressource Die Bedeutung der polnisch-ukrainischen Grenze für Przemysl. In: Wagner, Mathias; Lukowski, Wojciech (ed.) Alltag im Grenzland. SPRINGER GABLER. IN SPRINGER-VERLAG GMBH. s. 147-160. [Primary author]

26. Barthel, Martin. 2006. The Carpathian Euroregion ¿ cooperation in a good way?. In: Górecki, Janusz (ed.) Przestrzen spolecznoekonomiczna Europy Srodkowej i Wschodniej. Kolo Geografów Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego. s. 10. [Primary author]