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EU-Act – AR City Guide Berlin

The project “Europe City Teller – cultural mediation and storytelling for tourism, between theater, multimedia and storytelling” (acronym “EU-ACT”) operates in the European cultural tourism sector, with the aim of developing a quality offer, promoting local customs and traditions, paying attention to sustainability, protecting and enhancing the heritage, landscapes and local culture.

The EU-ACT project intends to integrate itself into the transnational cultural tourism strategy promoted by the European Commission, which aims to carry out a series of activities to promote transnational tourism skills and products in relation to specific themes with significant growth potential and to respond to social concerns, to problems of territorial cohesion and of protection/enhancement of natural and cultural heritages.

This guide is accompanied by an Augmented Reality APP: “europecitytellers” which can be downloaded from your mobile phone store. Download the app and frames the page where you can find the symbol shown at right, to access extra multimedia content.

Andrea d'Andrea Ewelina Barthel Marcela Urivi Martin Barthel
