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Comparative Research Network:

Dr. Kamila Franz

Project Manager

Dr. Kamila Franz works as a project manager for EU projects at the Comparative Research Network. She graduated from the International Doctoral Studies in the Natural Sciences at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw and holds a doctorate in biology from Warsaw University. She completed her master’s degree in Environmental Protection at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. Prior to joining the CRN, she worked as an editor for scientific journals and publishers, as well as a researcher focusing on various methods and tools in ecology. She has maintained a consistent interest in diverse aspects of human impact on nature and is currently delving into the issues of political engagement in light of climate change.


Peer reviewed:
Ceryngier P., Franz K.W., Romanowski J. 2023. Distribution, host range and host preferences of
Dinocampus coccinellae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae): A worldwide database. European Journal of
Entomology 120: 26–34.
Franz K.W., Romanowski J., Johst K., Grimm V. 2021. A comparative assessment of PVA software
packages applied to rank the landscape management scenarios. Przegląd Geograficzny 93 (3): 365-385.
Franz K.W., Romanowski J. 2021. Revisiting the reintroduced Eurasian lynx population in Kampinos
National Park, Poland. The European Zoological Journal 88 (1): 966-979.
Pe’er G., Tsianou M.A., Franz K.W., Matsinos Y.G., Mazaris A.D., Storch D., Kopsova L., Verboom J.,
Baguette M., Stevens V.M., Henle K. 2014. Toward better application of minimum area requirements in
conservation planning. Biological Conservation 170: 92-102.
Franz K.W., Romanowski J., Johst K., Grimm V. 2013. Ranking Landscape Development Scenarios
Affecting Natterjack Toad (Bufo calamita) Population Dynamics in Central Poland. PLoS ONE 05/2013;
Pe’er G., Matsinos Y.G., Johst K., Franz K.W., Turlure C., Radchuk V., Malinowska A.H., Curtis J.M.R.,
Naujokaitis-Lewis I., Wintle B.A., Henle K. 2013. A Protocol for Better Design, Application, and
Communication of Population Viability Analyses. Conservation Biology 05/2013; 27(4).
Franz K.W., Romanowski J., Saavedra D. 2011. Effects of prospective landscape changes on species
viability in Segre River valley, NE Spain. Landscape and Urban Planning 100: 242-250.
Romanowski J., Kowalczyk K., Rau K. 2008. Population viability modelling of potential threats to the
Beaver in the Vistula River Valley, Poland. Ann. Zool. Fennici 45: 323-328.
Romanowski J., Dudek D., Kowalczyk K. 2008. The role of islands in maintaining the connectivity of
habitat for mammals in Vistula river valley. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology Vol.8, No 2-4, pp: 411-418.
Uchmański J., Kowalczyk K., Ogrodowczyk P.2008. Evolution of theoretical ecology in last decades: why did individual-based modelling emerge. Ecological Questions 10, pp: 13-18.

Magdalena Klarenbach and Kamila W. Franz. 2023. The Potential of Youth Activism in Promoting Dialogue on Climate Crisis in Poland and Germany. Cross-Border Review 2023.

Pe’er G., Radchuk V., Thompson K., Tsianou M.A., Franz K.W., Matsinos Y.G., Henle K. 2014. Population viability: on the move from small to large scales and from single to multiple species. In: Scaling in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation, ed. Henle K., Potts S.G., Kunin W.E., Matsinos Y.G., Jukka Similä, John D. Pantis, Vesna Grobelnik, Lyubomir Penev, Josef Settele, 07/2014: chapter III: pages 61-65; Pensoft Publishers.
Kmetova E., Franz K., Ragyov D., Klisurov I., Ivanov I. 2011. Assessment of the Feasibility of Saker Falcon Captive Breeding and Release Reintroduction Programme in Bulgaria. Proceedings of the international conference “Conservation of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in Europe – Sharing Results of the LIFE06 NAT/H/00096 Project (Conservation of Falco cherrug in the Carpathian Basin)”, 16th -18th September 2010, Bükk National Park Directorate, Eger, Hungary.
Ragyow D., Dixon A., Kowalczyk K. 2010. Reintroduction of the saker falcon to Bulgaria, South-East
Europe. pp: 143-146 in Soorae, P. S. (ed.) (2010) GLOBAL RE-INTRODUCTION PERSPECTIVES: Additional case-studies from around the globe. IUCN/SSC Re-introduction Specialist Group, Abu Dhabi, UAE, xii +352 pp.
Ragyow D., Kmetova E., Dixon A., Franz K. 2008. Saker falcon (Falco cherrug) reintroduction in Bulgaria, Feasibility study. Sofia.
Kowalczyk K., Ogrodowczyk P. 2007. VIII Toruńskie Seminarium Ekologiczne (Toruń, 22-23 VI 2007 r.). Wiadomości Ekologiczne. Tom LIII zeszyt 4.
Romanowski J., Kowalczyk K. 2007 – Modelowanie potencjalnych zagrożeń dla obszarów Natura 2000.
in: Perzanowski K., Klich D., Lopucki R., Mróz I., Niewinna M. (Red.) Bioenergetyka ekologiczna.
Koncepcje i zastosowania praktyczne. Wydawnictwo Werset. Lublin: 133-140.
Romanowski J., Kowalczyk K., Sluis van der T. 2007. „Ecological modelling of effects of development
scenarios for the Vistula River Valley (Poland).” Proceedings of International LIFE-Symposium RiverineLandscapes; Restoration, Flood Protection, Conservation. Breitenwang/Reutte/Tirol/Austria.
Kowalczyk K., Romanowski J., Bowuwma I. 2006. „Evaluation of ecological consequences of Vistula
Valley development in Nature 2000 areas, LARCH use”. Przegląd Naukowy Inżynieria i Kształtowanie
Środowiska, Nr 1 (33) 2006. [in polish]
Romanowski J., J. Matuszkiewicz, K. Kowalczyk, A. Kowalska, A. Kozłowska, J. Solon, I.M. Bouwma, H.
Middendorp, R. Reijnen, R. Rozemeijer and Van der Sluis, T. (ed). 2005 – Evaluation of ecological
consequences of development scenarios for the Vistula River – Warsaw, Wageningen, Utrecht 1-127.

1. Matuszkiewicz J., Romanowski J., Kowalska A., Kowalczyk K. 2005 – Description of the Vistula
Valley. W: Sluis, T. van der (Red). 2005. Evaluation of ecological consequences of development
scenarios for the Vistula River – Warsaw, Wageningen, Utrecht 13-24.
2. Romanowski J., Kowalczyk K. 2005 – Results of the scenarios analysis – W: Sluis, T. van der (Red).
2005. Evaluation of ecological consequences of development scenarios for the Vistula River.
Warsaw, Wageningen, Utrecht 57-77.
3. Matuszkiewicz J., Kowalska A., Romanowski J., Kowalczyk K. 2005 – Historical analysis – W: Sluis, T.
van der (Red). 2005. Evaluation of ecological consequences of development scenarios for the
Vistula River. Warsaw, Wageningen, Utrecht 79-90.
Romanowski J., Kowalczyk K., Bouwma I. 2005. „Ecological Modelling of effects of development
scenarios for the Vistula River Valley (Poland).” Biodiversity and Role of Zoocenosis in Natural and
Anthropogenic Ecosystems, The III International Conference. – Dnipropetrovsk: Dnipropetrovsk National
University, 2005, pp: 146-147.