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Comparative Research Network:

Ewelina Barthel

Senior Project Manager
Head of Circular Education


Community Reporting
Circular Economy labs




Ewelina comes from a small town in southeastern Poland, Sandomierz. She studied social geography and management and marketing in public administration at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.

From 2007 to 2009 she worked on urban revitalisation projects for Noworol Consulting. Since 2008 she has been living in Berlin, and since 2011 she has been active in CRN in various projects. She focuses on sustainability, circular economy, improving the quality of life in cities, integration, and urban tourism. She sees Berlin as an inspiring urban laboratory where she can meet many new ideas and inspiring activists and actively participate in various initiatives that change the world for the better.

This is also what Erasmus+ projects are for her – a chance to learn about new solutions from different countries and create tools to improve this world. Berlin Wedding – whre she works and lives, is a fascinating district of Berlin with many diverse cultures.


1. Rozwój przedsiębiorczości lokalnej w Sandomierzu w latach 1990- 2002, 2006, [in:] Przestrzeń społeczno-ekonomiczna Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej, Jagiellonian University, Kraków. 2. Rola regionu i współpracy międzynarodowej w integracji europejskiej i globalizacji w świetle najnowszych badań geografii politycznej,

2007, [in:] Nowe kierunki badań, metody i narzędzia w geografii, Jagiellonian University, Kraków.

3. Program rewitalizacji obszarów miejskich w Rzeszowie na lata 2007 – 2015, 2008, Miasto Rzeszów, Rzeszów, bip.erzeszow.pl/file/10998/Rzeszow_LPR_final_2007.pdf

4. Lokalny program rewitalizacji miasta Libiąża na latac 2008 – 2916 – aktualizacja, 2009, miasto Libiąż, Libiąż, http://www.libiaz.pl/index.php?option=18&action=articles_show&art_id= 1003&lang=.pl

5. Barthel, Martin; Barthel, Ewelina. 2018. Exploring Subbordia – the impact of suburbanisation in cross-border metropolitan regions. The case study of Szczecin and its German hinterland Urban Development Issues 60 1: 5-13.

6. Werner, Madlen; Barthel, Ewelina; Barthel, Martin; Zsiday-Galgóczy, Krisztina and Kiss, Tibor Cece (eds.). 2020. More Than Words – Integrating Creativity in Intercultural Training : Training Manual. Comparative Research Network, Berlin.

7. Barthel, Ewelina; Barthel, Martin; Heigaard Jensen, Charlotte et. Al. (eds.). 2020. PAESIC – Pedagogical Approaches for Enhanced Social Inclusion in the Classroom : A guidebook for more inclusive teaching in European Schools. Comparative Research Network, Berlin.

8. Barthel, Ewelina; Rusaite, Rimante; Wlusek, Katarzyna; Barthel, Martin (eds.) “CircleVET : Compendium of Circular Methods in VET”. Comparative Research Network, Berlin 2020.