Adria Peace

South-East Adriatic Dialogue

What we want to deliver is a complete professionalization of our participants in peacebuilding practitioners. In order to achieve this we have thought a project that has 2 different phases:
1) Training
2) Practical experience and dissemination

We want to carry our participants from the education state to the implementation, supplying them an opportunity to experiment and present their results in a youth exchange with other participants.

We have the deep-seated belief that mobility and peer-to-peer contacts can stimulate better policies and a stronger society. We think that dialogue among people helps integration and transnational cooperation. For these reasons, we have devised a task-oriented action which intends to promote:
1 The realization of a successful skill transfer activity about social peacebuilding and the promotion of the values of peace in order to improved competences, linked to our participants’ professional profile
2 The set up of a future peacebuilding discourse able to integrate multilaterally the partners from the EaP countries and the partners from the member states
3 The creation of a functional transnational partnership that is able to work independently connecting our participants’ local realities to a transnational one
4 The raising of awareness of the EU values as a peacebuilding tool for promoting multilateralism and social stability
5 A better awareness of the European project and the potential and limits of formal and nonformal education
6 The social empowerment of our participants to be social change promoter and the enhancement of their agency capacity and the ownership of their action;

We promote this project to respond to concrete needs of small and medium NGO’s on the territory to achieve a better capacity to implement and to carry on efficient peacebuilding activities. What we want to achieve is to create peace professional able to approach problems according to a “problem solving” objective thinking strategically.

Furthermore, we will use the project to expand our already existing #peacebuildingnetwork: a network of our old peacebuilding partner that guarantees the possibility to have stable partnerships and a greater reach-out capacity that goes beyond the single NGO.

In order to carry on our action, we plan forward the following activities
1) A first TC in order for our participant to grasp the idea of conflict, peace and peacebuilding not only on the personal level but inside the larger social dimension
2) a second TC oriented towards management. While the first training is aimed towards social empowerment of the participants the second is instead towards professional empowerment of the participants.

We do not think that empowerment without giving the professional tools, in order to achieve concrete engagement, is a good idea. For this reason, we want our participant to be actually able to work on the changes in society that they might have a picture in the first training.

3) During the third part of the training, the participants involved in management in their organizations will gather in order to create content to use inside the new following youth exchange. This will be a great opportunity for them to have a safe space to develop content in coocreation and to apply the skills that they have learned during the last 2 trainings
4) finally we will set up a new youth exchange in which the participants that will present the content they have created to new participants during the youth exchange. This will be a great test for our results and it will also guarantee the first approach to our peacebuilding network

Besides of this, we are going to organize a public talk by the end of the peacebuilding program of our association in order to give it public visibility and we are also going to publish a collection of short papers in order to reflect on our peacebuilding experience.

We expect a great impact from this project, especially taking in account the fact that it is inserted in the bigger framework of our peacebuilding program.:
– To share and transmit NFE education techniques on peacebuilding and on the organization of peacebuilding campaigns.
– To promote and to experiment new NFE curricula in the field of peacebuilding.
– To promote European / partner cooperation in the field of fostering young people?s awareness, understanding and competencies in the fields of migrant/refugee integration; -To develop a sustainable network among organizations in promoting the values of intercultural dialogue among young people especially in the field of peacebuilding;

-To stimulate capacity building, interpersonal skills, and voluntary programmes;
-To discuss how non-formal education can positively influence and facilitate intercultural dialogue;

The project will impact participating youth workers and leaders, partner organizations as well as local
communities, youth categories and refugees/immigrants in the areas of operation of partners.

The impact on each category is outlined below:
– Acquisition of knowledge, skills of flexibility and creativity, as well as NFE tools related to narrative, teaching techniques, dialogue and mediation concretely used as promoting peacebuilding and integration, determining an enhanced number and quality of activities in the field; – Contacts with professionals in the youth field from different European and neighboring countries.
– Enhanced understanding of the dynamics of conflict and conflict resolution to be applied in personal life and daily activities;
– Increased understanding of identity conflict element also to the refugees themes and conflict management enhancing professional capacities in sensitizing youngsters about these topics;
– Increased understanding of networking among NGOs throughout Europe and from neighboring countries.
PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS – Enhanced knowledge and toolkit of best practices and NFE tools related to using narrative, music, satire/comics as tool to promote values, conflict resolution and integration;
– Increased endowment of human capital through competences in NFE and networking acquired by staff members and volunteers; – Enhanced capacity to plan, manage and implement complex cooperation endeavors among NGOs from different European countries as well as from neighboring countries.
– Increased competences and capacities in networking with a transcontinental scope.

– Establishment of a Network among partner organizations involving a regular long-term exchange and development of knowledge, tools and best practices in the fields of conflict resolution;

-Local communities in post-conflict countries, countries experiencing tension or violence will benefit from the presence of more educated youth operators, capable of steady peacebuilding and reconciliation processes.
-Youth categories in countries affected by identity and social tensions will be empowered as main actors of refugee integration through follow-up activities;
– Refugees and migrants will benefit by relying on on youth workers more aware of and educated in their specific condition and needs;
The single youth worker will benefit greatly from our program. The benefits will be especially on 2 di ferent levels
1) professional skills
The participants will receive great concrete hard and soft skills in the field on conflict resolution and in project management in relation to peacebuilding
2) networking and sustainability:
The participants will enter our network with great benefits in terms of capacity to build up, stable partnerships and financial stability
3) Multicultural experience
the participants will live and experiment inside a multicultural environment in which they will be able to speak safely about conflict, peace and peacebuilding