Recycling Stories through Electronic Devices - A projectbased e-learning strategy to enhance key competences in visual communication based on environmental consciousness and cultural diversity

RE-STOR-E’s objective is to empower people from socially and economically disadvantaged migrant or minority backgrounds with efficient digital tools facilitating their social and professional inclusion into European local societies. RESTOR-E is a practice based, multitask and interdisciplinary methodology which permits to build its curriculum on two main contemporary challenges: adopting an environmentally conscious behavior and gaining skills in techniques of visual communication.

Implementation: What activities are you going to implement?

By targeting trainers and educators in non-formal education, RE-STOR-E will implement a curriculum based on digital storytelling, visual arts related social practices to express identity, recycling as means of environmental consciousness, and visual storytelling. The project’s main outcome: a website, containing an eBook, video tutorials and interactive functionalities to ensure assisatnce for the users, will provide materials and techniques to set up trainings based on RESTOR-E’s methodology.

Results: What results do you expect your project to have?

Trainers and educators of European organisations will have access to an innovative method to be used in different local contexts, supporting the social and professional inclusion of adult people with migrant or minority backgrounds by empowering them with skills in digitally created visual contents. The method also enables them to raise consciousness about environmental protection and provides techniques to valorise the original cultural identity of vulnerable people they work with.