When our organisation was founded in 2007, a group of researchers agreed that results should not just be produced for the drawers of the donors but should lead to activism and social change. This was the birth of our core believe: Let’s do something, then we still can talk about it later.
Acting means for us to create spaces of dialogue, where change can be negotiated between the local actors. Intercultural Dialogue and diversity are for us important fields, where we want to help to create those spaces. Border Studies and Peacebuilding are further domains. We work in neighbourhoods to help inhabitants to help themselves. We explore new ways of civic education and embed the principles of co-ownership and co-creation into policy making and participatory processes.
Still, we prefer an interdisciplinary perspective and focus on urban and rural areas. As all experiences help us to improve activism and strengthening the impact.
Teaching, researching, and doing activism are important for us.
We welcome you to explore how we ACT
Young People for Resilient Communities
Eurbanities Game Based Learning for the Just Transition of Cities
The Future of Human Workforce: Embracing Change, Challenges, and Opportunities
Future Oriented Solutions Towards Environmental Resilience
EmPOWERING Energy CITIZENship among energy poor people through joint energy actions
Shaping the Future Together through Engaging Citizens Debates
aMbassadors to prOmote sustaiNability in Sport through parTecipativE approach
Recycling Skills to Improve Literacy, Language and Communication Competences through Artistic and Digital Creation
Building the capacity of adult educators to apply Intergenerational Learning for environmental education
Education through and to the values of the social economy as a way to reinforce the society.
CIRcular City through educational circular economy methods for social enterprises
Education for Sustainability through Circular Economy School Hackathons
Curricular Innovation for Synergy between Community Sport and Activism
European Circular Online Museum
Preparing refugees and asylum seekers for European civic and democratic values, environmental protection and the use of digital tools through visual language and gamification.
Recycling Stories through Electronic Devices - A projectbased e-learning strategy to enhance key competences in visual communication based on environmental consciousness and cultural diversity
Online Blended Method of Visual Education for Recycling and Rebuilding Cultural Identities of People with Migrant and Minority backgrounds
Connecting European Youth through Storytelling
bASic Stem compETences for migrantS
Narratives of Impact: Digital Storytelling as a Change-Making Tool
GARDENS as inclusive Green Learning places
Social Inclusion Through Gamification in Education
REACH OUT Local Peace and Dialogue through Media
Cities as Arenas of Political Innovation in the Strengthening of Deliberative and Participatory Democracy
Problem-Based Learning, Intercultural Communications and STEM in Higher Education
ClimateYouths: Youth-centred participatory video production as a tool for empowering young people to tackle climate change.
Urban Civic Education LAB
Dialog für Frieden und Integration
Eurbanities 2.0
Dialogue in Adult Education - Dialogue, Peacebuilding and conflict resolution methods for adult learners
South-East Adriatic Dialogue
CONCRIT - Community Narration 4 Critical Thinking
Prospects in the Peripheries
Media+: approach to access to communication andlanguage
Foster Social Inclusion: volunteering, social entrepreneurship and art for social inclusion
Media as a tool for peace building and conflict transformation in youth work
Co-Engage - Involving Citizens through Co-creation
Youth Peace Dialogue-Euromed
Eastern Encounters - Creating space for dialogue and peace
Pedagogical Approaches for Enhanced Social Inclusion in the Classroom
MORE THAN WORDS - integrating creativity in intercultural training
Peace-building Training: An Approach to Peace
Scie-citizens - Evaluating Bridges between science, education and society
Voices of diversity - connecting people and policies for more integrated neighbourhoods in European cities
Our 'Voices' create impact through mobilisation of data
Educitizens - Educate to Participate
EUrbanities - Empowering civil participation through game based learning
EuroQualiTrain - Qualifizierung und Training in Europa
The artist within - Applied eMOTIONDance and art expression in formal and non-formal education for developing entrepreneur skills best practice sharing between sectors and methods
We are all Digital Natives! - Sharing digital methods for digital citizens