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Comparative Research Network:

Eurbanities – Our Neighborhoods Heroes

To participate is one of the core skills in the nowadays digital society. Participation means to be in the position to gather information, reflect them and articulate opinion. Participation inherent the ability to conceptualize information and put them into different context.

Transferring participation into education means to educate self-aware citizens, who are open to new ideas, cultures and concepts and who are willing to form and influence actively their society.
Therefore it was beneficially to create curricula, which had a European perspective on citizenship and participation. Still each country inside the EU has different approaches which never have been brought together at the European Level.


Our Neighbourhoods Heroes : Stories on Citizen Participation in Local Development in European Cities. / Agnieszka Mucha, Agnieszka Świgost, Vera Marin, Martin Barthel, Irina Rotaru, Timo Hämäläinen, Roberto Solinas, Maria Grazia Pirina, Irina Zamfirescu ; Herausgeber: Judit Keller, Krisztina Keresztély, Tünde Virág ; Comparative Research Network e.V.; Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies; Institute of Urban Development – IRM

