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Comparative Research Network:

Prof. Dr. James W. Scott

Director & Head of Board
Head of Research


Qualitative research in urban, regional and border studies



James W Scott is Head of the Board of CRN. He is also a Researcher in Regional and Border Studies at the Karelian Institute of the University of Eastern Finland. Prof. Scott obtained his PhD at the Free University of Berlin and his B.Sc. at the University of California Berkeley.

His principal fields of research include: Urban and regional geography, borders, border regions, geopolitics. regional and urban governance, Cohesion Policy and Central European studies Professor Scott has participated in the establishment of the BRIT (Border Regions in Transition) network.

Since 2003 he has coordinated several medium-size and large research consortia focusing on border studies and supported by the EU’s Framework Programmes, the European Science Foundation, the Finnish Academy and other sources. Presently he is coordinator of the GLASE project (Multilayered Borders of Global Security), funded by the Academy of Finland and is scientific coordinator of the Horizons 2020 project RELOCAL that investigates the role of the local level and local strategies in Cohesion and Territorial Development.


Itä-Suomen yliopistö – Joensuun kampus: Joensuu, FI 2008-01-01 to present | Professor (Karelian Institute)

Leibniz-Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Strukturplanung eV: Erkner, Brandenburg, DE 1992-04-04 to 2010-03-31 | Research Fellow (Regional Development)

Freie Universität Berlin : Berlin, Berlin, DE 2000-04-01 to 2006-03-31 | Assistant Professor (Geography)

University of California Berkeley: Berkeley, CA, US 1974-10-01 to 1979-08-01 | BA (Biology)

University of Gdańsk: Gdańsk, PL 2019-01-01 to present | Guest Professor (Social and Economic Geography)

Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research: Esch-sur-Alzette, Esch-sur-Alzette, LU 2013-10-01 to 2014-12-31 | Visiting Scholar (GEODE)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences: Budapest, HU, 2021-01-01 to present | Scientific Advisory Board Member (Pécs MTA Committee)

Eötvös Loránd Kutatási Hálózat – Eötvös Loránd Research Network: Budapest, HU, 2020-08-11 to present | External Advisory Board


International scientific referee -publication

Beyond the border fence The emergence of Hungary¿s contemporary bordering regime. 1 / Borders and Border Walls In-security, Symbolism, Vulnerabilities. 2021. [Primary author]

Changing dimensions of the Northern European security environment. Laine, Jussi P; Liikanen, Ilkka; Scott, James W / Remapping Security on Europe’s Northern Borders. 2021. [Author]

Masik, Grzegorz; Sagan, Iwona; Scott, James W. 2020. Smart City strategies and new urban development policies in the Polish context Cities 2021; 108: 102970. [Primary author]

Introduction to A Research Agenda for Border Studies. Scott, James W / A Research Agenda for Border Studies. 2020. [Primary author]

Scott, James W. 2020. Introduction: Bordering, Ordering. Othering (Almost) Twenty Years On Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie [Epub ahead of print 20 Oct 2020]: 1-8. [Primary author]

Scott, James Wesley. 2020. Cognitive geographies of bordering: The case of urban neighbourhoods in transition Theory and psychology [Epub ahead of print 17 Oct 2020]: -. [Primary author]

Scott, James W. 2019. Mobility, Border Ethics, and the Challenge of Revanchist Identity Politics Journal of Finnish studies 22 1&2: 155-172. [Primary author]

Sohn, Christophe; Scott, James W. 2019. Ghost in the Genevan borderscape! On the symbolic significance of an “invisible” border Transactions of the institute of british geographers 2020; 45 1: 18-32. [Primary author]

Bürkner, Hans-Joachim; Scott, James W. 2018. Spatial imaginaries and selective in/visibility: Mediterranean neighbourhood and the European Union’s engagement with civil society after the “Arab Spring” European urban and regional studies 2019; 26 1: 22-36. [Primary author]

The Language of Borders. Konrad, Victor; Laine, Jussi P; Liikanen, Ilkka; Scott, James W; Widdis, Randy / Handbook of the Changing World Language Map. 2018. [Author]

Introduction: Post-Cold War Borders and Borderscapes. Laine, Jussi P; Liikanen, Ilkka; Scott, James W / Post-Cold War Borders: Reframing Political Space in Eastern Europe. 2018. [Author]

Conclusions: On borderscapes of post-Cold War borders. Laine, Jussi P; Scott, James W / Post-Cold War Borders: Reframing Political Space in Eastern Europe. 2018. [Author]

Ontological (in)security: the EU’s bordering dilemma and neighbourhood. Laine, Jussi P; Scott, James W / Borderless Worlds for Whom?: Ethics, Moralities and Mobilities. 2018. [Author]

Globalization and border studies. Scott, James W / Handook on the Geographies of Globalization. 2018. [Primary author]

Scott, James W. 2018. Hungarian Border Politics as an Anti-Politics of the European Union Geopolitics [Epub ahead of print 27 Nov 2018]: 1-20. [Primary author]

Scott, James W; Sohn, Christophe. 2018. Place-making and the bordering of urban space: Interpreting the emergence of new neighbourhoods in Berlin and Budapest European urban and regional studies 2019; 26 3: 297-3131-17. [Primary author]

Scott, James Wesley. 2018. Border politics in Central Europe: Hungary and the role of national scale and nation-building. Geographia Polonica 91 1: 17-32. [Primary author]

Scott, James Wesley; Celata, Filippo; Coletti, Raffaella. 2018. Bordering imaginaries and the everyday construction of the Mediterranean neighbourhood: Introduction to the special issue European Urban and Regional Studies 26 1: 3-8. [Primary author]

Faragó L, Scott JW. 2017. Policy governance from an autopoietic perspective: revisiting Hungary’s regionalization experience. European Planning Studies 25 6: 1034-1052. [Primary author]

Keresztely Krisztina, Scott James W, Virag Tunde. 2017. Roma communities, urban development and social bordering in the inner city of Budapest. Ethnic and Racial Studies 40 7: 1077-1095. [Primary author]

Scott JW. 2017. Reconceptualizing European neighbourhood beyond geopolitics: Observations on eastern partnership. In: Besier Gerhard, Stoklosa Katarzyna (ed.) Neighbourhood Perceptions of the Ukraine Crisis: From the Soviet Union into Eurasia?. Taylor & francis. s. 24-38. [Primary author]

Scott James W. 2017. Cross-Border, Transnational, and Interregional Cooperation. In: Richardson Douglas, Castree Noel, Goodchild Michael F, Kobayashi Audrey, Liu Weidong, Marston Richard A, Armstrong Marc P, Butler David R, Collins Francis L, Daniels Peter, Demeritt David, Dunford Michael, Eden Sally, Foote Kenneth, He Canfei, Jeffrey Alex, Kearns Robin, Kong Lily, Kwan Mei-Po, Lin Hui et al. (ed.) The International Encyclopaedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. Wiley-blackwell. s. 1-10. [Primary author]

Scott James Wesley. 2017. Rebordering Central and Eastern Europe: Cohesion Policy, cross-border cooperation and ‘differential Europeanisation’. In: Lux Gábor, Horváth Gyula (ed.) The Routledge Handbook to Regional Development in Central and Eastern Europe. Routledge. s. 175-187. [Primary author]

Scott, James W; Brambilla, Chiara; Celata, Filippo; Coletti, Raffaella; Bürkner, Hans-Joachim; Ferrer-Gallardo, Xavier; Gabrielli, Lorenzo. 2017. Between crises and borders: Interventions on Mediterranean Neighbourhood and the salience of spatial imaginaries. Political Geography 2018; 63: 174-184. [Primary author]

Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W, Sotkasiira Tiina. 2016. Concluding observations: The European Union, partnership and neighbourhoods. In: Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W, Sotkasiira Tiina (ed.) The EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood: Migration, Borders and Regional Stability. Routledge. BASEES / Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies 107. s. 257-267. [Author]

Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W, Sotkasiira Tiina. 2016. Introduction: The End of Wider Europe? The EU, changing borders and spatial imaginaries of post-Soviet space. In: Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W, Sotkasiira Tiina (ed.) The EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood: Migration, Borders and Regional Stability. Routledge. BASEES / Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies 107. s. 1-16. [Author]

Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James, Sotkasiira Tiina. 2016. The European Union, Partnership and Neighbourhoods. In: Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W, Sotkasiira Tiina (ed.) The EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood: Migration, Borders and Regional Stability. Routledge. s. 257-268. [Author]

Scott James W. 2016. Constructing European Neighborhood: Critical Perspectives from EU-Ukraine Interaction and Civil Society Actors. Journal of Borderlands Studies 2017; 32 1: 23-39. [Primary author]

Scott James Wesley. 2016. Eastern Neighbourhood as a Political Divide: EU policies of regional cooperation and ‘selective visibility’ in the case of Ukraine. In: Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W, Sotkasiira Tiina (ed.) The EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood: Migration, Borders and Regional Stability. Routledge. BASEES / Routledge Series on Russian and East European Studies 107. s. 81-99. [Primary author]

Scott James Wesley. 2016. Reconceptualising European Neighbourhood beyond Geopolitics: Observations on Eastern Partnership. In: Gerhard Besier, Katarzyna Stoklosa (ed.) Neighbourhood Perceptions of the Ukraine Crisis From the Soviet Union into Eurasia?. Routledge. s. 36-49. [Primary author]

Brambilla Chiara, Laine Jussi, Scott James, Bocchi Gianluca. 2015. Dedication. In: Brambilla Chiara, Laine Jussi, Scott James, Bocchi Gianluca (ed.) Borderscaping: imaginations and practices of Border making. ASHGATE. Border Regions Series. s. xv-xvi. [Author]

Brambilla Chiara, Laine Jussi, Scott James, Bocchi Gianluca. 2015. Introduction: thinking, mapping, acting and living borders under contemporary globalisation. In: Brambilla Chiara, Laine Jussi, Scott James, Bocchi Gianluca (ed.) Borderscaping: imaginations and practices of Border making. ASHGATE. Border Regions Series. s. 1-8. [Author]

Scott James. 2015. Bordering, Border Politics and Cross-Border Coooperation in Europe. In: Filippo Celata, Raffaela Coletti (ed.) Neighbourhood Policy and the Construction of the European External Borders. SPRINGER. GeoJournal Library 115. s. 27-44. [Primary author]

Scott James W. 2014. From Europhoria to Crisis. Cross-Border Cooperation, Euroregions and Cohesion: L. Dominguez and I. Pires, Cross-Border Cooperation Structures in Europe. Learning frm the Past, Looking to the Future. 81-95. [Primary author]

Scott James Wesley. 2013. Territorial Cooperation: The Research State of the Art .: Grzegorz Gorzelak, Katarzyna Zawalinska, European Territories: From Cooperation to Integration?. 15-26. [Primary author]

Scott James, Kolossov Vladimir. 2013. Selected conceptual issues in border studies. BELGEO – Belgian Journal of Geography 10 1: 14. [Primary author]

TERCO – European Territorial Co-operation as a Factor of Growth, Jobs and Quality of Life, Final Report (EC – ESPON, www.espon.eu). Gorzelak Grzegorz, Eskelinen Heikki, Scott James, Fritsch Matti, Németh Sarolta, et al. (34 authors). 2012 [Author]

James Wesley Scott. 2012. Constructing Familiarity in Finnish-Russian Karelia: Shifting Uses of History and the Re-interpretation of Regions. European Planning Studies: 18. [Primary author]

Kolossov Vladimir, Scott James W.. 2012. Karelia: A Finnish-Russian Borderland on the Edge of Neighbourhood: Eskelinen Heikki , Liikanen Ilkka and Scott James W. (eds), The EU-Russia Borderland. New Contexts for Regional Cooperation. 16. [Primary author]

Németh Sarolta, Fritsch Matti, Eskelinen Heikki, Scott James, Zimin Dmitry, Izotov Aleksander. 2012. TERCO Case Study on Finland – Russia: Gorzelak Grzegorz et al., TERCO, Final Scientific Reprt II. 74-138. [Author]

Scott James W. 2012. European Politics of Borders, Border Symbolism and Cross-Border Co-operation: Thomas M. Wilson and Hastings Donnan, A Companion to Border Studies. 16. [Primary author]

Scott James W, Laine Jussi. 2012. Borderwork: Finnish-Russian co-operation and civil society engagement in the social economy of transformation Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 24 3-4: 181-197. [Primary author]

Scott James W, Keresztely Krisztina. 2012. Urban Regeneration in the Post-Socialist Context: Budapest and the Search for a Social Dimension. European Planning Studies 20 7: 24. [Primary author]

Scott James W, Kühn Manfred. 2012. Urban Change and Urban Development Strategies in Central East Europe: A Selective Assessment of Events Since 1989. European Planning Studies Volume 20, No, 7: 17. [Primary author]

James W Scott. 2011. Reflections on EU Geopolitics: Consolidation, Neighbourhood and Civil Society in the Reordering of European Space Geopolitics 16 1: 29. [Primary author]

Scott James W. 2011. Borders, Border Studies and EU Enlargement: Doris Wastl-Walter, Ashgate Research Companion to Border Studies. 19. [Primary author]

Scott James, Liikanen Ilkka. 2011. Civil Society and the ‘Neighbourhood’ – Europeanization through Cross-Border Cooperation?: James Scott & Ilkka Liikanen, European Neighbourhood through Civil Society Networks? Policies, Practices and Perceptions. 1-16. [Primary author]

James Scott. 2010. The European Union, the emerging “Neighbourhood” and geopolitics of inclusion and exclusion: Gregorz Gorzelak, John Bachtler and Maciej Smetkowski, Regional Development in Central and Eastern Europe.Routledge. 25. [Primary author]

James Scott & Ilkka Liikanen. 2010. Civil Society and the “Neighbourhood” Europeanization through Cross-Border Cooperation?. Journal of European Integration Vol. 32 No. 5: 423-438. [Primary author]

James W Scott and Henk v. Houtum. 2009. Guest Editorial: Reflections on EU Territoriality and the ¿Bordering¿ of Europe. Political Geography 28 5: 3. [Primary author]

James W scott. 2009. Bordering and Ordering the European Neighbourhood. A Critical Perspective on EU Territoriality and Geopolitics. Trames 13 3: 16. [Primary author]

Scott, James. 2008. Cross-border Regionalisation in an Enlarging EU: Koff, Harlan, Deceiving Disappearances.PIE Peter Lang. 37-58. [Primary author]

Scott, James. 2008. Europe of Regions: Kitchen, Rob and Nigel Thrift, Encyclopedia of Human Geography. 1-9. [Primary author]

International scientific non-referee -publications

Scott, James W. 2020. Developing Research Perspectives on Borders, Cultural Dialogue and Cooperation : Editorial note Cross-border review 2019: 3-6. [Primary author]

Scott, James W. 2020. Urban Borders, Urban Neighbourhoods and a Cognitive Approach Cross-border review 2019: 63-85. [Primary author]

Scott, James Wesley. 2019. European territorial cooperation: Theoretical and empirical approaches to the process and impacts of cross-border and transnational cooperation in Europe Regional studies 2020; 54 1: 140-141. [Primary author]

Scott, James W. 2018. Globalisation and the Study of Borders. Cross-Border Review (Annual/Yearbook of the European Institute of Cross-Border Studies, Esztergom, Hungary) 2017: 5-30. [Primary author]

Scott, James W. 2018. Interdependence – an Obsolete Concept?. Cross-Border Review (Annual/Yearbook of the European Institute of Cross-Border Studies, Esztergom, Hungary) 2017: 169-172. [Primary author]

Scott, James W. 2018. Introductory Note from the Editor. Cross-Border Review (Annual/Yearbook of the European Institute of Cross-Border Studies, Esztergom, Hungary) 2017: 3-4. [Primary author]

Németh Sarolta, Scott James W.. 2015. EUBORDERREGIONS and the analysis of Cross-Border Cooperation at the EU’s external frontiers. In: James W. Scott and Márton Pete (ed.) Cross-Border Review: Yearbook 2015. Central European Service for Cross-Border Initiatives (CESCI). Cross-Border Review (Annual/Yearbook of the European Institute of Cross-Border Studies, Esztergom, Hungary) 2015. s. 51-58. [Author]

Scott James Wesley. 2013. Borders and Social Ordering: Critical Reflections on Border-Making. Dialogues in Human Geography 3 1: 3. [Primary author]

Eskelinen Heikki, Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James. 2012. On the Edge of Neighbourhood: Regional Dimensions of the EU_Russia Interface. In: Heikki Eskelinen, Ilkka Liikanen & James Scott (ed.) , The EU-Russia Borderland: New Contexts for Regional Co-operation. Routledge, London 2013..Routledge. ss. 1-12. [Primary author]

Scott James W. 2011. Civil Society Cooperation and New Social Economies at the EU’s External Borders. In: Petra Jähnke, Gabrielle Christmann and Karsten Balgar (ed.) , Social Entrepreneurship.Springer VS Verlag. ss. 15. [Primary author]

James W Scott. 2009. Borders, Border Studies and EU Enlargement: B. Köppen and M. Horn, Das Europa der EU an seinen Grenzen!? Konzepte und Erfahrungen der europäischen grenzüberschreitenden Kooperation,.Logos Verlag. 21. [Primary author]

James W Scott and Anastasia Condruc. 2009. IS EUROPE BECOMING WIDER? Interview with Mr. Prof. James W. Scott, Coordinator of EUDIMENSIONS Scientific Annals of the ¿Alexandru Ioan Cuza¿ University, Iasi 11 2009: 5. [Primary author]

Domestic scientific non-referee -publications

Scott James. 2017. Extreme and extremist geographies: commentary on the revanchist impulse and its consequences for everyday bordering. Fennia : International Journal of Geography 195 1: 102-105. [Primary author]

Edited publications

Remapping Security on Europe’s Northern Borders. Laine, Jussi P; Liikanen, Ilkka; Scott, James W. 2021 [Author]

A Research Agenda for Border Studies. Scott, James W. 2020 [Primary author]

Post-Cold War Borders: Reframing Political Space in Eastern Europe. Laine, Jussi P; Liikanen, Ilkka; Scott, James W. 2018 [Author]

Special Issue: Implications of Borders on Culture and Economics. Barthel Martin, Scott James, Demir Cengiz. 2016 [Author]

Special Issue: Implications of Borders on Politics and Administration. Barthel Martin, Scott James, Demir Cengiz. 2016 [Author]

The EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood: Migration, Borders and Regional Stability. Liikanen Ilkka, Scott James W, Sotkasiira Tiina. 2016 [Author]

Borderscaping: Imaginations and Practices of Border Making. Brambilla Chiara, Laine Jussi, Scott James, Bocchi Gianluca. 2015 [Author]

Cross-Border Review 2015 (Annual/Yearbook of the European Institute of Gross-Border Studies). Scott James, Márton Pete. 2015 [Primary author]

Territorial Cohesion in Europe. For the 70 th A nniversary of the Transdanubian Research Institute. Kovács Ilona Pálné, Scott James, Gál Zoltán. 2013 [Primary author]

The EU’s Role in Promoting Cross-Border Co-operation: Perspectives from the Finnish-Russian Border Region. Scott James Wesley. 2013 [Primary author]

Smart Growth: Sustainability Innovation. Scott James Wesley, Braun Gerhard. 2013 [Primary author]

The EU-Russia Borderland. New Contexts for Regional Cooperation. Heikki Eskelinen, Ilkka Liikanen, James W. Scott. 2012 [Author]

European Neighbourhood through Civil Society Networks? Policies, Practices and Perceptions. Scott James, Liikanen Ilkka. 2011 [Primary author]

Journal of European Integration Vol. 32 (2010) Issue 5. James Scott & Ilkka Liikanen. 2010 [Primary author]

European Neighbourhood through Civil Society Networks?: Policies, Practices and Perceptions. Scott James and L iikanen Ilkka. 2010 [Primary author]

De-coding New Regionalism: Shifting Socio-political Contexts in Central Europe and Latin America. James W Scott. 2009 [Primary author]

Border Research in a Global Perspective. Franke Steffi, Scott W. James. 2008 [Primary author]