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Edustorytelling DigiStories Guide

The DigiStories Guide aims to be a reference educational resource in the field of Adult
education, containing guidelines, advice, and methodologies for Adult educators and
stakeholders to use Digital Storytelling as an instrument to foster the acquisition of digital
literacy in Adult learners and in particular in those with a disadvantaged background.
More specifically, the DigiStories guide can be considered as a complementary tool to the
curriculum. It is a reference manual for educators, giving an outline of the lessons learned,
expected results, learning outcomes and examples of educational context to which the
curriculum can be applied.

The DigiStories Guide features the results of comprehensive research on Digital Storytelling
education best practices and the results of the piloting of EduStorytelling Curriculum in real
training condition.

For an effective engagement of Adult learners, we advise you to combine the guidelines
contained in the Guide with a complementary reading of EduStorytelling Curriculum, as this
will help you integrate digital storytelling in your courses with a real value.
