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Comparative Research Network:

Best Practices fostering social inclusion through art, social entrepreneurship, volunteering and intercultural dialogue

Foster Social Inclusion: volunteering, social entrepreneurship and art for social
inclusion is an international project exchange of good practices funded under the EU
Programme Erasmus+.
The Foster Social Inclusion project wants to improve adult educators’ skills and learn
about effective methodologies and approaches for people at risk of social exclusion.
In terms of the project, people at risk of social exclusion are migrants, refugees,
health-related conditions, low-skilled and low-qualified, female and gender-related
The project aims to investigate about the good practices coming from the partners’
organisation, organisations at the national level and also from Europe to extend,
reply or adapt the best practices elsewhere and in different contexts.
We have been looking for cases that foster social inclusion prospects of people at risk
of social exclusion offering measures target personal development, well-being, rights,
interests and responsibilities.
We are presenting fifteen Best Practices such as actions, activities, projects fostering
social inclusion through art, social entrepreneurship, volunteering and intercultural
Our project is aimed at anyone working within adult education with a focus on
people at risk of social exclusion. Our goal and wish are that this collection of best
practices can be used as a source of inspiration for organisations all over Europe that
work with and promote social inclusion. Through our findings, we are hoping to offer
new ideas and impulses for the educational activities they are offering.