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The Artist Within Toolkit – methodology and ideas

Initially, The Artist Within Toolkit was created in order to help the Trainer-Participants of the training “Implementation of Creative Training Methods for Helping Professions” at the Społeczna Akademia Nauk in Łódź, Poland, between 2–10. April 2016.

This was the fourth training of the two-year-long Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership project “The Artist Within – Applied eMOTION, Dance and art expression in formal and non-formal education for developing entrepreneur skills – best practice sharing between sectors and methods”.

The Partners of the Partnership were (1) Hungarian Association for Expressive Arts and Dance Therapy, IKTE – Hungary, (2) Association on Refugees and Migrants, ARM-BG – Bulgaria, (3) Theater Vision e. V. – Germany, (4) Comparative Research Network e. V., CRN – Germany, (5) EURO-NET NETWORK – Italy, (6) Społeczna Akademia Nauk, SAN – Poland.

While working on the results we glimpsed a broader horizon than just helping our participants, and it became apparent that our findings and experiences are well worth sharing, thus, we created a format for The Artist Within Toolkit that can serve as a guide for helping professionals in terms of integrating different creative methodologies.
