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Comparative Research Network:


The core aim of the project is to intensify the youth work efforts for peace building and conflict transformation, utilizing mass, alternative and social media. It aims to achieve this objective through the fostering of cooperation and exchanges between youth workers and young people from 4 continents.Towards the above core aim, the main (general) objectives of the project are defined as:SKILLS-To empower youth workers towards using different media in activities targeting peace building-To encourage youth workers on the use of media as a tool for post-conflict or post-crisis community rapprochement and redevelopment-To raise awareness over media literacy and capacitate youth workers to train their community in this direction-To develop skills on reflective structured dialogue and political debating online-To train youth workers in interfaith and intercultural online dialogueGOODPRACTICES-To exchange innovative ideas of schemes on historical reconciliation and memorialization through media-To draw some joint conclusions on how to better implement the above-mentioned techniques and multiply their impact factor and outreach potential to local communities-To elaborate on techniques and good practices of peace building through media-To investigate all possible ways for contributing to truth restoration in issues related to peace and conflict developmentsKNOWLEDGE-To understand in depth the interrelation between violence and propaganda-To explore ways of fighting online and mass media hate speech, radicalization and censorship-To augment the level of interaction between peace activists and individuals or entities from war-torn or conflict areas, and thus their knowledge of on-ground realities.