Green Transitions

Building the capacity of adult educators to apply Intergenerational Learning for environmental education

Green Transitions: Bridging Generations for a Sustainable Future

The world is standing on the precipice of climate change and environmental degradation, with the European Union recently unveiling its ambitious plan to achieve climate-neutrality by 2050. Tackling these pressing issues necessitates transformative changes in the way our societies and economies operate. This includes enforcing new regulations on energy management, transport, emission reduction in trade, and land use and forestry.

One of the significant challenges in combating climate change is cultivating an informed and motivated citizenry. People need to be aware of environmental risks and demand change. This is where the Green Transitions project comes into play.

Green Transitions is built upon the foundation of intergenerational learning (IL), an innovative yet underexplored methodology for promoting environmental education and literacy. The project aims to raise awareness about environmental and climate-change challenges faced by modern societies among both younger and older adults. It does this by providing innovative and gamified training materials and resources.

To achieve its objectives, Green Transitions will empower adult educators and trainers to support learners’ behavioral changes and attitudes towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly future. Adult education is a proven pathway for creating informed, conscious, and knowledgeable citizens, and this project seeks to enhance the role of adult education in the fight against climate change.

By bridging generational gaps, the Green Transitions project encourages younger adults to influence the environmental knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of older adults, fostering intergenerational cooperation and engagement. The exchange of knowledge between different age groups for individual and societal benefits is at the heart of this initiative.

Green Transitions aims to empower both younger and older generations to adopt greener and more environmentally friendly habits and behaviors. By creating opportunities for these generations to learn together and from each other, the project addresses several key priorities:

Bridging intercultural, intergenerational, and social divides.
Developing green skills.
Addressing environmental and climate change challenges.
This innovative project seeks to bridge the gap between different fields of education, training, and youth work. It has the potential to create synergies by bringing together organizations with expertise in adult education, environmental education, and innovative training methods. By promoting intergenerational learning for environmental education, the Green Transitions project paves the way for more initiatives in the adult education sector.

Green Transitions is complementary to other initiatives carried out by the participating organizations. Each partner brings its unique expertise and experience, and together, they aim to develop a methodological tool and training materials that enhance environmental education through intergenerational learning.

The project’s objectives are interlinked and complementary, and they align with the project’s selected priorities. The Green Transitions project aims to:

Increase adult educators’ knowledge and skills in environmental education and climate change.
Design a methodological guide for applying intergenerational learning.
Develop an interactive simulation game for adults and young people.
Raise awareness about the benefits of intergenerational learning in addressing environmental challenges.
These objectives are interrelated and collectively contribute to the project’s goals. The project’s innovative aspects include the focus on intergenerational learning for environmental education, which is relatively unexplored, and the promotion of knowledge exchange between generations for a sustainable future.

The Green Transitions project brings together organizations with expertise in various fields, aiming to create synergies and expand the impact of environmental education and intergenerational learning. By building the capacity of adult educators and fostering knowledge exchange between generations, this project offers innovative solutions to address climate change and environmental challenges at the European level.
