Curricular Innovation for Synergy between Community Sport and Activism

CISCA (Curricular Innovation for Synergy between Community Sport and Activism) is a pioneering project aimed at promoting social inclusion and civic engagement through sport. By developing innovative curricula and models that integrate sport and community activism, CISCA seeks to empower individuals and communities, fostering a more inclusive and participatory society.

At the heart of CISCA is the development of a comprehensive curriculum that explores the untapped potentials of sport activities in supporting participation and civic engagement within neighborhood management. This includes urban planning, regeneration, social inclusion, diversity management, environmental issues, access to infrastructure, and the utilization of public spaces. By leveraging local sports initiatives, CISCA aims to increase access to urban services, particularly for communities with fewer opportunities.

Key activities of CISCA include:

  • Critical and comparative analysis of successful experiences that merge sport and community activism
    Creation of an innovative curriculum and concrete models for combining sport engagement with innovative community participation strategies and instruments

The beneficiaries of CISCA’s outcomes are diverse, ranging from sports operators (trainers and coaches in grassroots organizations), local NGOs, and activists from citizens’ groups and committees, to everyday citizens themselves. By prioritizing inclusion and diversity, CISCA aligns with European objectives in the field of sport, specifically in strengthening the social dimension of sport. This vision is in line with the European Commission’s recognition of sport as a vital force for uniting citizens and addressing the issues that deeply impact communities.

As CISCA takes the lead in shaping a more inclusive and participatory society through the transformative power of sport, we invite stakeholders, organizations, and community members to join us on this exciting journey towards a brighter future.
