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CircleVET COMPENDIUM (2020)http://circlevet.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/CircleVET-Compendium.pdf

CircleVET Compendium of Circular Methods in VET

This compendium was produced as part of the Circle VET project. It has taken the form of a comprehensive compendium of hands-on methods used across Europe. This manual provides easy-to-apply innovative tools and methods designed to motivate learners to stay involved and update their skills for the ongoing transition from a linear to a circular economy. We want readers to learn new skills, making them more aware of the ongoing transformational processes in the economy and play a role in them.

How and why have we chosen the practices presented here?

Frans van Houten, CEO of Royal Phillips and leader of the Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy (PACE) has stated that “like all major transitions in human history, the shift from a linear to a circular economy will be a tumultuous one. It will feature heroes and pioneers, naysayers and obstacles, and moments of victory and doubt. If we persevere, however, we will put our economy back on a path of growth and sustainability.”

Barthel, Ewelina; Rusaite, Rimante; Wlusek, Katarzyna; Barthel, Martin (eds.) “CircleVET : Compendium of Circular Methods in VET”. Comparative Research Network, Berlin 2020

