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Artist Within – eMOTION in the Mirror practice and theory – a practical work book

The impact of fine art based techniques in the process of healing is a much-disputed issue in psy-chotherapy research, practice and formal education. Significantly, through painting, sculpturing and dancing patients can learn to express inner pictures, develop creative skills and train their sensual perception.

With this intention, the Hungarian Association for Expressive Arts and Dance Therapy (IKTE) trains artistic practises in a non-formal way to its members. While adding this knowledge about the impact of arts to the occupational environment, three members, Kriszta Zsiday, Tibor Cece Kiss, and Gábor Halmos came up with the project The Artist Within (TAW). Thus, as psychologist, psychotherapist and trainer, all work as helping professionals.

Helping professions defines an occupational sector, where people have to work professionally with other humans such as nursing, doctors, trainers, social workers or teachers. For that reason they are in their personal and occupational envi-ronment confronted by the occupational disease, which is since the 1970s know as Burn-out Syndrome.

To give an illustration, people who work professionally with other humans, have an over-proportional risk of being affected by despondence, moods swings, and sleep disorder linked to bodily symptoms as backache or digestion disorders. In this context, the members of the Hungarian Association came up with a concept of developing a set of artistic practises for helping profession-als to refresh them before symptoms of burn-out show up. Another key point is to settle the developed method in the curriculum.

Antonov, Emil Barthel, Martin Brinzanek, Zsuzsa Blunck, Elisabeth Bouchbouk, Sophie Czekaj-Kotynia, Katarzyna Andrea D'Andrea Halmos, Gábor Hamar-Sári, Bernadett Kiss, Tibor Cece Kowenzowska, Kamila Messina, Raffaele Puleva, Ivanka Reytan-Marincheshka, Tania Rušaitė, Rimantė Schmidt, Anna Sileo, Emanuele Spasova, Evelina Szczecińska, Joanna Zsiday-Galgóczy, Krisztina
