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Past Events:

Comparative Research Network:

Lola Tarnaud

Service Civique
Project Assistance


The skills I developed in the past years concern the mapping of actors involved in a specific field or present on a territory; conducting regional or national benchmarking; applying the methodology of questionnaires and interviews; establishing close partnerships with local actors; conducting investigation; and analysis.



“Lola graduated this year with a master’s degree in International Cooperation from the School of Political Studies of Grenoble, in France. After an internship at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she joined the Comparative Research Network this October in order to gather more professional experience abroad. Her studies allowed her to live in Australia, France, Morocco and Germany, and she hopes to put her intercultural skills to practice during the year to come. Her studies and professional experiences allowed her to acquire knowledge and skills in decentralized cooperation, public international action consulting, urban and social public policies, and international project management.
Through past volunteering experiences, she has been involved in European Union educational projects and at the Salvation Army.
Inclusivity and empathy are core values she wishes to include in her everyday life, including at work. This is the reason CRN’s work is so relevant and exciting to her.”